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Socializing Event: Pub Crawl

Wann 18.11.2019
von 20:00 bis 23:00
Wo Freiburg, Platz der Alten Synagoge, Entrance KG II
Kontakttelefon +49(0)761 / 203-54174
Teilnehmer registration required
participants: 20 max.
First come, first serve!
Termin übernehmen vCal











Did you know that there are more pubs in Freiburg within a 5 minutes walking distance from the university than you can possibly visit during one evening? No? But we can try! To get an overview of the most popular pubs, we would like to invite you to our "Mentoring Pub Crawl Event" on the 18th of November. We will meet in front of KG II at 8:00pm. We are really looking forward to spend the evening with you!